Has your vitality left you?

I know when I was in my corporate job, I often felt like this beach at low tide. My energy had left me. I was depleted. Empty, with nothing else to give.

In today’s culture, the Busy Badge is worn with pride and having to organise playdates for children is considered normal. There’s a belief going around that the more we do, the more we will achieve and the happier we will be.

However, what if path to fulfilment (which is a lasting form of what happiness) were found in doing fewer but more important activities, those which help you advance to goals that actually matter to you.

Here are five signs now it might be the right time to do just that:

1. You feel overwhelmed.

Overcommitting is the single biggest mistake most people make, which in turns leads to stress and overwhelm. It’s tempting to fill in every waking moment of the day with to-do list tasks, events, obligations and distractions.  Don’t do this to yourself.  You CANNOT do it all.

The trick is to ask yourself one fundamental question before saying yes to an invite, accepting a new project, or putting your hand up to run the fundraiser at school: Is this serving me?

Remember – a No is a Yes to something more important.

2. You’re trying (consciously or subconsciously) to be superhuman.

Another major issue that keeps so many of us stuck in a debilitating cycle of busyness is the belief we can (or must) be everything to everyone and a hero on all fronts.  But, of course, this is neither true or healthy.  The reality is we’re human, with finite amounts of physical energy.

As with all behaviors, these efforts to be superhuman can be to meet an emotional need, such as to be appreciated, or could be in the ‘Should List’ that someone gave you. If this speaks to you, what drives your desire to be superhuman?

3. You have no time to appreciate the space in your day.

Your life isn’t just about the things you do. We are human beings – and not human doings – after all. The gold of life lies in our ability to be present, both during the different activities that structure our days and during the gaps in between.

Pace yourself so you’re not hurrying from one thing to the next, and appreciate the spaces in between. Check in with your body, and ask yourself “How am I feeling?” Scan your body for tightness or tension to release.

4. You have lost track of your priorities.

I have a workshop on productivity where I start by asking the group, “What would you do if someone stole $100 from you?” Most of us would try and get it back. At the very least, we’d be upset.

Well people steal our time all of the day. We generally let them do it too when we don’t have boundaries in place and clear idea of what our priorities are.

We need to take the time and make a list of priorities, professional and personal, and put a tie in the diary for when we’re going to do them.

Meetings can be a big waste of time. Free up time by giving yourself permission to not attend if you can get the information in another way, such as reading minutes. If you run meetings, consider making them short, stand-up meetings. If you do sit down, schedule them for 45 minutes and demand an agenda.

On a personal note, I was once told the difference between a good and bad marriage was five hours a week and the deepest desire of our young children is to spend time with us.

5. Your physical space is a cluttered mess.

Your physical space reflects in many ways how you are living your life. For example, is it cluttered and hard-to-navigate or spacious and inviting?

If you don’t have enough time to keep your physical space organised, you’re most likely making choices that don’t serve you.  And there’s a good chance you’re buying things that don’t serve you as well.  Let’s face it, clutter pulls on us and distracts us in more ways than we often realise. 

Decluttering your physical space can lead to a less cluttered mental space. So remember, the question of what you want present in your physical space with you is essentially the question of how you want to live your life.


In-spired Living Sparks

The following questions might feel confronting, but they hold the key to your growth and ultimately your well-being.

  1. If your body could speak, what would it ask you to do? Are you listening?
  2. When making a decision about what to do, how often does the word ‘should’ pop up? How does that make you feel?
  3. Do you give yourself permission to say ‘No” to others?
  4. Imagine it’s your 65th birthday party. How would you like the important people in your life to describe your relationships? Are your actions supporting this goal?
  5. What three things can you stop doing to create more space in your day?



1. Why is simplifying my life important?

Simplifying your life is essential for reducing stress and creating a sense of balance. It allows you to focus on what truly matters, leading to improved mental and emotional well-being. By eliminating unnecessary complexities, you can enhance productivity and find more joy in everyday activities.

2. How can I start simplifying my life when I have a busy schedule?

Begin by identifying priorities and focusing on essential tasks. Delegate or eliminate non-essential activities and commitments. Embrace the power of saying no to unnecessary obligations. Implement time-management techniques, such as creating a realistic schedule and setting boundaries, to make the most of your time.

3. What are some practical tips for decluttering my living space?

Start small by decluttering one area at a time. Donate or discard items you no longer need or use. Adopt a minimalist mindset by only keeping items that bring you joy or serve a practical purpose. Consider organizing spaces with storage solutions to maintain a clutter-free environment.

4. How can I simplify my digital life?

Streamline your digital life by decluttering your email inbox, organizing digital files, and unsubscribing from unnecessary notifications. Limit your time on social media and focus on quality interactions. Consider digital detoxes periodically to refresh your mind and reduce information overload.

5. How can simplifying my finances contribute to a simpler life?

Simplifying your finances involves creating a budget, consolidating accounts, and eliminating unnecessary expenses. By having a clear financial plan, you reduce stress related to money matters, gain control over your spending, and create a foundation for financial security.

6. What role does goal-setting play in simplifying life?

Setting clear, achievable goals helps you prioritize and focus on what truly matters. By defining your objectives, you can avoid distractions and align your efforts with your values. This intentional approach to goal-setting guides your decision-making, leading to a more straightforward and purposeful life.

7. How can I simplify my relationships for a more fulfilling social life?

Evaluate your relationships and invest time and energy in those that are meaningful and reciprocal. Let go of toxic or draining connections, and communicate openly with others about your needs and boundaries. Prioritize quality over quantity in your social interactions for a more fulfilling and simplified social life.

8. Is practicing self-care an essential aspect of simplifying life?

Yes, self-care is crucial for simplifying life. Taking time for yourself, whether through relaxation, hobbies, or physical activity, rejuvenates your mind and body. This practice enhances your overall well-being, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges with a clear and focused mindset.

9. How can I maintain a simplified life in the long run?

Consistency is key to maintaining a simplified life. Regularly reassess your priorities, declutter your spaces, and evaluate your commitments. Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and adapt your lifestyle as needed. Regular reflection and adjustments will help you sustain a simplified and balanced life over time.


My personal mission is to never stop opening up people’s lives. I do this by helping them navigate change with courage, find compassion for themselves and others and live with authenticity, grace and joy. Maybe these ideas speak to you? If so, I would be deeply honoured to accompany you on this path.

Want to explore these ideas further?

Simply book a non-obligation discovery Call today to discuss how we can work together.

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Why go through life when you can grow through life?